Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sunday, 091513 Day at Sea

091513 Day at Sea

Today was Sunday, and the Redskins were playing Green Bay on TV at 10:00 a.m.  After breakfast, I watched the first half of the game, and then turned it off.  I spent the day relaxing, reading, doing a Sunday crossword, and exploring the ship.  The evening was formal, and I wore my tuxedo.  At dinner, I met several people who I found interesting -- a couple from New Jersey, two people from California, and two women from Australia.  The two Australian women, both grandmothers, were married, but traveling alone, their husbands didn’t want to travel with them, so they traveled alone.
The evening entertainment was a production show, “I‘ve got the music“, featuring songs of Neil Diamond, Barbra Streisand, and Lionel Richey.  As always, the production shows on Princess are great, and this one was, too.  The theater was standing room only, as always for production shows.

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